PearSon:培生教育集团是全球最大的教育出版集团,旗下出版社包括著名的朗文集团、Prentice Hall、 Addison Wesley等,迄今为止出版图书达40多万种。www.pearson.com
www.pearson.com - 2020-06-24 - 收藏 -
Heart Handmade
Hearthandmade:爱心手工制作分享博客是一个英国妇女 Claire创办的手工DIY制作教程博客网站,该博客成立于2010年,旨在帮助每一位有爱心的读者通过自己的劳动来妆扮自己的家庭。
www.hearthandmade.co.uk - 2020-06-24 - 收藏 -
UK Key
Ukkey.co.uk:英国本地搜索引擎是英国老牌的本土信息搜索引擎之一,提供各种各样的内容搜索,包括网页、娱乐、工作、图片、地图、新闻、人员、旅游等。网站的目标是成为英国人在搜索信息时候首选引擎。UK key is a Start Page for citizens in the United Kingdom, which offers quality links and search resources including a free directory for all UK related websites.
www.ukkey.co.uk - 2020-06-24 - 收藏 -
Join over 2,520,732 people learning with FutureLearn. Enjoy free online courses from top universities and cultural institutions. Find the course for you.www.futurelearn.com
www.futurelearn.com - 2020-06-24 - 收藏 -
Travel Photographer of the Year
Tpoty:国际旅行摄影协会是英国的一个基于旅游摄影大赛的摄影协会团体,总部设在英国,由摄影师们承办,无论你是专业摄影师还是业摄影师都可以参加该团队,分享旅游过程中拍摄的经典图片。Travel Photographer of the Year (TPOTY) - the premier international travel photography awards for amateur, professional and young photographers
www.tpoty.com - 2020-06-24 - 收藏 -
www.primark.com - 2020-06-24 - 收藏 -
Craig Redman & Karl Maier live in different parts of the world but collaborate daily to create bold work that is filled with simple messages executed in a thoughtful and often humorous way.www.craigandkarl.com
www.craigandkarl.com - 2020-06-24 - 收藏 -
Polaroid Blipfoto
Blipfoto:宝丽来摄影图片分享社区是一个由传统相机厂商宝丽来联合发布的摄影图分享网站,简称为\"一日一图\"的个人在线图片日志服务,提供免费的Android 和 iOS 客户端,并可通过网页访问。Keep a simple record of your life, with just one photo a day. Start your free photo journal now, because life is worth celebrating every day.
www.polaroidblipfoto.com - 2020-06-24 - 收藏 -
Contextual Advertising & Behavioral Marketing
Promote your business with today\'s most effective contextual online advertising and re-targeting technology and behavioral Marketing Services at a cost effective metric of CPC, PPC, CPM or CPV.
www.clicksor.com - 2020-06-24 - 收藏 -
www.clicksor.cn - 2020-06-24 - 收藏