Codecademy is the easiest way to learn how to code. It\'s interactive, fun, and you can do it with your friends.
www.codecademy.com - 2020-04-20 - 收藏 -
《第九大陆》英文名称“Continent of the Ninth”,又叫C9,是一款全3D动作MMORPG,由NHN Games公司从2006年开始策划及开发。韩国游戏大商NHN旗下游戏门户网站HANGAME签下C9,并于2009年10月24日开通官网公开游戏内容。游戏画面效果出色,具有可体验动作性的多种游戏系统,出色的人工智能怪物,还有与玩家角色联动的多种舞台环境。
c9.qq.com - 2020-04-20 - 收藏 -
IT之家极速版,软媒旗下站点,IT资讯、学院、资源下载一站式中文门户站点,即时的IT业界动态和紧跟潮流的数码时代资讯,让您轻松掌控IT人类的生活,Windows8、Windows7、iPhone、iPad、Android、Chrome OS、Mac OS Lion,手机、平板、电脑、智能电视一个都不能少。因为IT而存在,IT之家。
www.ithome.com - 2020-04-20 - 收藏 -
The United Nations Children's Fund - UNICEF - works for children's rights, their survival, development and protection, guided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
www.unicef.org - 2020-04-20 - 收藏 -
The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees was established on December 14, 1950 by the United Nations General Assembly. The agency is mandated to lead and co-ordinate international action to protect refugees and resolve refugee problems worldwide.
www.unhcr.org - 2020-04-20 - 收藏 -
United Nations Environment Programme(联合国环境署)
the united nations environment programme (UNEP) is the voice for the environment in the united nations system. it is an advocate, educator, catalyst and facilitator, promoting the wise use of the planet's natural assets for sustainable development.
www.unep.org - 2020-04-20 - 收藏 -
United Nations Nations Unies(联合国)
This is the United Nations website. Here you will find information and links to the work of the UN.
www.un.org - 2020-04-20 - 收藏 -
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: essential documents, statistics, maps and multimedia resources.
www.fao.org - 2020-04-20 - 收藏