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  • Continental轮胎中国官网


    采用何种橡胶配方制成的轮胎能够让您仅凭双耳便可知其完美?如何才能在同等尺寸下实现更大的抓地接触面积?定 制轮胎将何时投入量产?我们探索当下、与时俱进,不断将优秀的理念转化为创新产品,为用户打造更安全、更舒适 的驾乘体验。

    www.continental-tires.cn - 2016-01-01 - 收藏
  • global-trade-center


    Global-Trade-Center.COM (GTC) is the leading global B2B(Business To Business) E-commerce marketplace dedicated exclusively to franchisers and brokers and distributors. The secure and neutral marketplace enables members to conduct business while streamlining business processes, increasing productivity and reducing costs. In addition, GTC continually provides innovative Products/Services essential for Brokers and Distributors' ability to become more competitive in today's environment.

    www.global-trade-center.com - 2014-12-16 - 收藏
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