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  • ADreplacer官网


    ADreplacer 是一个基于谷歌Chrome浏览器的扩展插件,支持把所访问的网站上的广告替代为新闻内容,可以说是Adblock的升级版,Adblock工具仅仅是把网站上的广告屏蔽,而ADreplacer则是把广告取代为新闻内容。Ad Replacer hunts down those misleading ’sponsored\' boxes cluttering up your favorite websites, sending you where you DON\'T want to go, and replaces them with the latest breaking news stories and headlines, hand-curated by real people!www.adreplacer.net

    www.adreplacer.net - 2020-12-19 - 收藏
  • Toastmasters International国际演讲会官网

    Toastmasters International国际演讲会官网

    国际演讲会(Toastmasters International)是一个国际非盈利组织,通过其数以千计之属会,该组织提供有沟通及领导两方法的课程,课程主要教授说话,聆听及思考的技巧。目的为帮会员提升其沟通,演讲及领导技巧。Become the Leader and Speaker you want to be

    www.toastmasters.org - 2020-12-19 - 收藏
  • Adafruit 机器人电子元件开发平台

    Adafruit 机器人电子元件开发平台

    Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits : - Tools Gift Certificates Arduino Cables Sensors LEDs Books Power EL Wire/Tape/Panel Components & Parts LCDs & Displays Wearables BeagleBone Prototyping Raspberry Pi Wireless Young Engineers 3D printing NeoPixels Boards Kits & Projects Robotics & CNC Accessories Software Cosplay/Costuming Halloween Reseller & University Packs Internet of Things - IoT Particle ecommerce, open source, shop, online shopping

    www.adafruit.com - 2020-12-19 - 收藏
  • OERCommons全球开放教育资源共享网


    知识共享开放教育资源网(OER Commons)是由美国教育领域的知识管理研究协会(ISKME)创建的共享开放教育资源的知识库与联接门户,旨在支持开放教育资源应用和重用,可以让教师和用户寻找和发现开放式教育、教学材料。www.oercommons.org

    www.oercommons.org - 2020-12-19 - 收藏
  • Aufeminin官网


    Aufeminin:法国女性杂志是法国第一号网络女性杂志,网站有“时尚”、“美容”、“心理”、“伴侣”等十几个栏目,讨论两性关系、美容、事业、家庭、孩子等等,文章短小精悍,每周更新,所有内容全部免费阅览。Le magazine féminin sur Internet : astro, beauté, sexualité, minceur, tests, quiz, mode, tendances... Conseils d'experts, outils interactifs... et les fameux forums d'aufeminin pour discuter !

    www.aufeminin.com - 2020-12-15 - 收藏


    PHOTODOM是俄罗斯的一个图片站点,里面有许多精彩的摄影作品,很多作品的构图和光线处理都非常独特,充满浪漫和神秘的色彩。Most popular photography community website. You can post your photos, read forums, leave your reviews and opinions and enjoy the different galleries of professional photographers from over the world. | WWW.PHOTODOM.COM

    www.photodom.com - 2020-12-14 - 收藏
  • 俄罗斯生意人报官网



    www.kommersant.ru - 2020-12-14 - 收藏
  • Ara Law Abogados

    Ara Law Abogados

    Ara Law Abogados is a law firm in Costa Rica with experience in public law, corporate law, immigration law and other different legal matters in Costa Rica.该网站有英语和西班牙语两种语言。Ara-Law是一家有35年从业经验的哥斯达黎加律师事务所,一直 致力于投资,金融,和公共问题的咨询与服务。服务对象多为哥斯达黎加的自然人和企业,但现在不断国际化积极为拉美国家的投资者在哥斯达黎加进行商业活动而服务

    www.aralaw.cr - 2020-12-13 - 收藏
  • Bharatstudent官网


    Bharatstudent是印度著名的校友录网站,创建于2007年,该网站印度用户占91%。提供交友、学习圈、互助(Bharat)、影评、电影剪辑和名人新闻等服务,网站语言为英语。India\'s Largest Free Social Community Networking Site for Indian friends & Indian student.Friends,Gangs,Film News,Gossips,Photo Galleries,Wallpapers of Actor&Actress,Information On Study Abroad,free admissions,Upload Videos @Campus TV,Girls Only,Blogs,Events,Games,Greetings,E-cards,Boy Zone,Live Radio,Star Player,Astrology,Cricket

    www.bharatstudent.com - 2020-12-12 - 收藏
  • Tata Motors Limited

    Tata Motors Limited

    Tata Motors Limited is the largest manufacturer in Indian automotive industry. It is the leader in commercial vehicles, and among the top in passenger vehicles.

    www.tatamotors.com - 2020-12-12 - 收藏
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