鲍德温―华莱士学院(Baldwin-Wallace College),简称BW,建校于1845年,坐落于Berea,俄亥俄州,是一所私立的、以文学院为基础的学院。是美国最早摒除种族和性别歧视的学校。兼容并蓄和破旧立新的精神延续至今。BW很好地将根植于人文学科课程的教学,与学生的就业相结合。
www.bw.edu - 2020-04-17 - 收藏 -
香港理工大学,简称“理大”(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,缩写“PolyU”),是一所既充满活力又拥有骄人历史的大学。理大毕业生的实用价值,更被雇主视为同侪之冠。大学在追求卓越学术水平的同时,会不断推陈出新,提供富实用性的专业课程、培训、应用研究及专业顾问等服务,支持工商企业的长远发展。
www.polyu.edu.hk - 2020-04-17 - 收藏 -
Opportunities for individuals with disabilities through the development of and innovative uses of technology.
www.cast.org - 2020-04-17 - 收藏 -
www.polarsunmotor.com - 2020-04-17 - 收藏 -
Volvo Group(沃尔沃集团)
Volvo provides transportation related products and services with focus on quality, safety and environmental care. Founded more than 80 years ago, a solid position and reputation worldwide has been built up over the decades.
www.volvo.com - 2020-04-17 - 收藏 -
Volvo Cars(沃尔沃汽车)
尔沃汽车公司是汽车行业中最强大的品牌之一,在世界领先的创新方面有着悠久而荣耀的历史。公司由 Gustaf Larson 和 Assar Gabrielsson 在瑞典哥德堡创立,第一辆车于1927年4月14日出厂。它被命名为 ?V(Jakob)。
www.volvocars.com - 2020-04-17 - 收藏 -
The Official site for all new 2010 Chevy cars, trucks, crossovers & SUVs. Discover award winning and fuel efficient cars in our range of vehicles.
www.chevrolet.com - 2020-04-17 - 收藏 -
Power systems provider, designing, manufacturing and supporting a range of products and services for air, sea and land applications.
www.rolls-royce.com - 2020-04-17 - 收藏 -
Rolls-Royce Motor Cars(劳斯莱斯汽车)
Official site of the English make now owned by BMW. Philosophy having led to the Phantom model, Goodwood factory, latest news.
www.rolls-roycemotorcars.com - 2020-04-17 - 收藏 -
Lincoln Vehicles(林肯)
Welcome to the official website of Lincoln vehicles. Explore the new 2009 models: photos, features, and awards. Build and price your Lincoln and find a Lincoln dealership today.
www.lincoln.com - 2020-04-17 - 收藏